(1) During the lockdown due to coronavirus, those who are allowed by the administration to pray Salāh al-Eid with jamā`ah behind the authorized Imam without risking their self-honour should attend and pray. The rest should not put their self-honour at risk, they are considered excused.
It is in Bahār e Sharī`at,
امام نے نماز پڑھ لی اور کوئ شخص باقی رہ گیا خواہ وہ شامل ہی نہ ہوا تھا یا شامل تو ہوا مگر اس کی نماز فاسد ہو گئ تو اگر دوسری جگہ مل جائے پڑھ لے ورنہ نہیں پڑھ سکتا، ہاں بہتر یہ ہے کہ یہ شخص چار رکعت چاشت کی نماز پڑھے
“[If] an Imām completed Salāh [al-Eid] and someone was left behind, meaning either he was completely absent or he was present but his salah became invalidated, if he finds another (congregation) he should pray, otherwise he cannot pray. However, it is best for this person to pray four units of Chāsht Salāh.” (Vol. 4, Pg. 109)
This Salāh will only serve as a nafl (voluntary) prayer1, it should not be considered the Qadā (make-up) of Salāh al-Eid. It is in Hāshiyah al-Tahtāwī ala al-Durar,
(قوله صلى أربعا) أي استحبابا کما مر عن القھستانی ولیس ھذا قضاء
“His statement, ‘Pray four (rak`ah)’ means, voluntarily like it was narrated from [al-Imām] al-Qahsatānī, and this is not Qadā (make-up prayer)” (Vol. 1, Pg. 355)
The Salāh of Eid is like the Salāh of Jumu`ah, the Salāh of Eid is only necessary for the people upon whom the Salāh of Jumu`ah is necessary and the adā (fulfilment) [of Salāh al-Eid] has the same conditions as the Salāh of Jumu`ah. There is just one difference, delivering the khutbah is a condition for the Salāh of Jumu`ah but is sunnah for the Salāh of Eid. It is in al-Fatāwā al-Radawīyah,
نماز عید شہروں میں ہر مرد، آزاد، تندرست، عاقل، بالغ، قادر پر واجب ہے، "قادر" کے یہ معنی کہ نہ اندھا ہو، نہ لولا ہو، نہ لنجھا ہو، نہ قیدی، نہ اسے نماز کو جانے میں حاکم یا چور یا دشمن کی طرف سے جان یا مال یا عزت کا سچا خوف ہو۔ در مختار میں ہے: "تجب صلاتهما (العيدين) على من تجب عليه الجمعة"
“Salāh of Eid is necessary (Wājib) in the cities upon every male who is free, healthy, sane, mature (bāligh), and qādir. ‘Qādir’ means that he is not blind, handicap, disabled, imprisoned, nor someone who has actual fear of the ruler, thief, or enemy, regarding their life, wealth, or honor if he was to attend [the Salāh of Eid]. It is in al-Durr al-Mukhtār, ‘Their Salāh (both Eids) is necessary for whoever Jumu`ah is necessary.’” (Vol. 6, Pg. 776)
Also, in this very al-Fatāwā al-Radawīyah, it comes in another place in relation to Rad al-Muhtār,
وجوبها مختص بأهل المصر
“Its obligation is specific to the people of the city.” (Vol. 6, Pg. 788)
(2) Issues regarding Sadaqah al-Fitr
(3) Everyone should arrange to attempt to see the moon on the 29th of Ramadān al-Mubārak. In the scenario of the moon being sighted, one should meet the local Qādī (a set Islamic judge) or a prominent scholar [of the area] to deliver the testimony (of seeing the moon). If the moon is not sighted, one should not resort to considering news received from telephones. Rather, he should complete the amount of 30 days (of Ramadān) and Allah knows best.
Written by,
[Mufti] Abū Yūsuf Muhammad al-Qādirī
(Khādim, Jāmi`ah Amjadīyah Radawīyah)
Ramadān al-Mubārak 21st, 1441 AH
Verified by,
Al-Muhaddith al-Kabīr, Mumtāz al-Fuqahā,
Allāmah Ziyā al-Mustafā al-Qādirī (حفظه الله تعالىٰ) on Ramadān al-Mubārak 22st, 1441 AH
Translated by,
Mowlana Sayyid Asad al-Qādirī (Maryland, USA)
1"ہمارے ائمہ کرام رضی اللہ عنهم کے نزدیک نوافل کی جماعت بتداعی مکروہ ہے. تداعی مذہب اصح میں اس وقت متحقق ہو گی جب چار یا زیادہ مقتدی ہوں دو تین تک کراہت نہیں في الدر: يكره ذلك لو على سبيل التداعي بأن يقتدي أربعة بواحد كما في الدرر الخ في الطحطاوى على مراقي الفلاح: في اقتداء ثلاثة: الأصح عدم الكراهة"( فتاویٰ رضویہ ، جلد ٥، صفحہ ٦٧٤)
"According to our honorable leaders, the congregation of voluntary prayer is Makrooh if with 'Tadaa'i' (people have been invited to join). In the most correct position, if four or more are praying behind the Imam, it will be considered 'Tadaa'i'. If there are only two or three then there is no harm."