The one who dies in a state of Wudhu is a martyr
The beloved Messenger of Allah şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam said to Sayyidunā Anas rađiyAllāhu ánhu, 'Son! If you can spend all your time in a state of Wudhu then do so, because when the Angel of death captures the soul of a person in a state of Wudhu, he is written down as a martyr'.[1]
Imam Ahmad Rida al-Qadri rađiyAllāhu ánhu states [from this hadîth we learn] that to remain in a state of Wudhu at all times is desirable.[2]
[1] Imam al-Muttaqi Hindi’s, Kanz Ul-Ummal, Vol9, Hadīth 26060, Dar Ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut
[2] Imam Ahmad Rida al-Qadri’s, al-Atāya Nabawiyyah Fil Fatāwah Ridhwiyyah, Vol1, Pg702, Rida Foundation Lahore